Women’s Winter Wellness Series and Open Pole

You’re invited to participate in a Wellness Lecture Series curated for Portland Club dancers. This will be led by Open Pole Play at my home studio.

Wednesday, Jan 22
3:00pm – 7:30pm

For years I have had a desire to host events for Portland club dancers and share some of the knowledge I have learned over the last 20 years of working the clubs that has kept me sane and healthy. I have large home in Tigard where I have a private pole studio with two poles, I want to open the doors and share the space and my expertise with you at no cost.

Format will be:
3p-6p Open Pole
6p-6:30 Superfood Bar and mingle
6:30-7:30 Lecture

The series will be once a month and will include:

  • 3 hours of open pole play accompanied by an Ecstatic DJ set to align your mind body connection and facilitate a play that is free form. Come anytime during the 3hrs or stay the whole time! Practice the tricks you don’t feel comfortable to do on stage yet and trade tricks and combos with others. I will be on hand to assist as well as Taylor from Portland Pole + Dance
  • Super Food and Drink Bar for all your healthy libation needs
  • One hour discussion on a wellness topic.
    January’s topic: The Magic of Menses! How to optimize your schedule to work with your menstrual cycle. We will discuss cycle tracking, planning your dance schedule around your cycle, foods best to eat at each phase of your cycle including some recipes you can use through the month to help with hormones
  •  Optional Side Quests:
    ~ Vision Board station: Create a visual representation of what you want to manifest this year
    ~Spring cleanse prep and plan – did you know that winter is NOT a good time to do a cleanse? Although the beginning of the calendar year encourages resolutions of eating well and cleaning up your life; during the cold months our organs are busy keeping us warm and stressing them with a cleanse during this time isn’t ideal. The organs are primed to cleanse after the Equinox and Spring is just around the corner! There is a collective of us who cleanse each spring and we would love to share our expertise. Join us! There will be information about this cleanse available.

Where: Large home in Tigard- Bill Mountain area.

**This event is not limited to just club dancers and is open to all women who want to have fun and learn no matter their assigned gender at birth. An inclusive community vibe.

Future dates and topics:

February 19th – Breast Health: learn about self exams, natural breast health remedies like castor oil packs and super foods for breast health. Also available: an optional breast exam by a practitioner.

March 18th – Ayurvedic Wellness: do you know your Doshas? Elemental theory will help you learn about your individual body needs. Every body is special and different. Learning about yours will help you figure out how to keep your special body well.